
SKILL DEVELOPEMENT WORKSHOP ON is the faster method of designing the structure, therefor Civil department organized a work shop on Main purpose for this workshop was to make familiar students with the various software used in the field of civil engineering. Also in 2nd & 3rd year of diploma engineering students have to study about the subjects related to structural analysis and design. Software gives accurate result such as Shear force, Bending moment, Slope, Deflection etc.

Workshop on "Current trades of software in civil engineering"

For the development the skill & give importance of the software in the field of designing building plan to students. So department of civil engineering decided to organize the one days workshop on "Current trades of software in civil engineering" at Om engineering college. From this workshop,Students get the information and knowledge about the function of different software for building designing in the field of civil engineering.

Workshop On Staad-Pro

Civil department organised a Expert Talk On STAAD-PRO for students by Expert Proff. M.S.Qureshi. Our main purpose for this workshop is to be familiar with the various softwares used in the field of civil engineering. Generally manual methods of structural analysis and design is very tedious and time consuming. It will be difficult to analyze the complex structures such as high rise buildings,Industrial sheds, Framed structures etc. STAAD-PRO is the faster method of designing the structure.

Skill Development Workshop on Auto CAD

For the development the skill & give importance of the software in the field of designing building plan to students. So we decided to organise the two days workshop on "BUILDING PLANNING IN Auto CAD" at Om engineering college.So department of civil engineering had organised the two days workshop for developing the skill in Auto CAD building designing under the coordination of Miss Kalyani vyas.


Building Estimation and Costing is a vital part of Civil Engineering.No project can begin without the total Building Estimation and Costing done by the Engineer. So Our main purpose for organizing this workshop for students is to give knowledge about estimation & costing. In this workshop student done the estimation of the workshop & after that construction site visit was arranged for students in which they learnt concept of estimation practically.
