ROBO RACE is a fun event with an element of gear motor and battery in it aiming at running a model car on Track. Participants will have to make their own model cars as per their design. There will be complicated track for all participant, but obstacles of track will be different for all round.
Junkyard is a basically design and fabrication competition for engineering Junkyard students have to bring the beauty in the beast.This is the closest you could possibly get to actually performing magic.Junkyard will test your ability to make use of every resource available in an optimized manner under time constraint.
Aqua is an event in which participants will have to design a boat using different material which can able to sustain air resistance and water resistance which able to complete specific activity within given time. While the idea is for these small Boat to ferry packages and humans about the city, they could also be used to create on demand bridges or landing stages, according to the verge.
Department of mechanical engineering organized one day seminar on advance manufacturing techniques used in space and mechanical engineering on a date of 7th April 2018 in a collaboration with space society of mechanical engineers (ISRO). In said seminar more than 120 students along with 22 faculties were participated
Department of Mechanical arranged campus drive for mechanical engineering students. In which 4 different companies were came at college campus. Following are companies in which our students were placed 1. Austin Engineering Co. Ltd. 2. Accord Precision Pvt. Ltd. 3.V.V.Engineering 4. Max precision Pvt. Ltd. Junagadh. More than 25 students were participated in this campus drive.