Program Outcomes

  1. A strong foundation in the basic fundamentals of mathematics and sciences applied to the Chemical Engineering problems.
  2. Basic concept on computer programming skills necessary to address the Chemical Engineering tasks.
  3. Basic knowledge on chemistry, mechanical engg., electrical & electronics engg. and their applications in context to Chemical Engineering practices.
  4. Ability to develop experimental setup to conduct experiments followed by analysis and interpretation of data.
  5. Comprehensive understanding of the image of engineering solutions on the global, economical, environmental and social issues.
  6. Thorough knowledge of all Chemical Engineering subjects to attend competency in the analysis and design of process equipments and plants.
  7. Ability to translate the acquired knowledge and core competence among his professionals, clients and society.
  8. Awareness of plant safety and risk analysis in Chemical Industries.
  9. Ability to understand the applications and basic requirement of Chemical Engineering subjects in the field of R&D and process industries.
  10. Skills to work in multidisciplinary fields like biotechnology, refinery, processing industry etc., and tackle any engineering related tasks assigned successfully.